Works by Julian Assange

One resource that may be of distinctive interest for readers is Julian Assange’s blog, which was maintained John Young’s from Thursday, June 8, 2006 to Wednesday, January 3, 2007, the period during which Assange was launching WikiLeaks. An archive of his blog can be found here, and important essay from his blog are included in the bibliography below. This bibliography does not include pieces that Assange published on because those pieces are already gathered and available for readers on that website.

Assange, Julian. “The CIA Director is Waging War on Truth-Tellers like WikiLeaks.” Washington Post, 25 April 2017:

Assange, Julian. “WikiLeaks has the Same Mission as The Post and The Times.” Washington Post, 11 April 2017:

Assange, Julian. “Forward.” In How I lost by Hillary Clinton, ed. Joe Lauria. New York: OR Books, 2017.

Assange, Julian. “Why We Published What We Have on the US Elections.” Counterpunch, 8 November 2016:

Assange, Julian. “Destroy Greece: ΙΜF and Europe Disagree on the Method!” Counterpunch, 4 April 2016:

Assange, Julian. When Google Met WikiLeaks. New York: OR Books, 2016. [Also available in audio and transcript on]

Assange, Julian. “Introduction: WikiLeaks and Empire.” The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to US Empire. New York: Verso, 2015.

Assange, Julian. “Who Should Own the Internet?” New York Times, 4 December 2014:

Assange, Julian. “Preface.” In Clark Stoeckley, The United States vs. Private Chelsea Manning: A Graphic Account from Inside the Courtroom. New York: OR Books, 2014.

Assange, Julian. “Julian Assange’s letter to Benedict Cumberbatch.” The Guardian, 9 October 2013:

Assange, Julian. “How cryptography is a key weapon in the fight against empire states.” The Guardian, 9 July 2013:

Assange, Julian. “The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil.’” New York Times, 1 June 2013:

Assange, Julian, Appelbaum, Jacob, Müller-Maguhn, Andy, and Zimmermann, Jérémie. Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet. New York: OR Books, 2012.

Assange, Julian. “Of the People and For the People.” New Statesman, 2011: 20-22.

Assange, Julian. Julian Assange: The Unauthorized Biography. Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 2011.

Assange, Julian. “Don’t Shoot Messenger for Revealing Uncomfortable Truths.” The Australian, 7 December 2010:

Assange, Julian. “Something is Rotten in the State of Iceland.” Guernica, 26 March 2010:

Assange, Julian. “The Hidden Curse of Thomas Paine.” Guernica, 29 April 2008:

Assange, Julian. “The Road to Hanoi.” Counterpunch, 5 December 2006:

Assange, Julian. “Conspiracy as Governance.”, 3 December 2006:

Assange, Julian. “The Curious Origins of Political Hacktivism.” Counterpunch, 25 November 2006:

Assange, Julian. “State and Terrorist Conspiracies.”, 10 November 2006. [found here]

Dreyfus, Suelette, and Julian Assange. Underground. Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 2012. [First published by North Sydney: Random House Australia, 1997.]