Welcome to the WikiLeaks Bibliography

This website is designed to be a research tool for scholars, journalists, and citizens around the world. Whether your aim is to produce rigorously researched scholarly publications research or simply learn more about WikiLeaks, this website will be an indispensable tool.

The bibliography is divided into five primary sections: Primary Sources, Books, Academic Articles, News Media Articles, and Films.

Primary Sources: Here you will find writings by and interviews with Julian Assange and other WikiLeaks personnel, past and present.

Books: This section includes a list of all books—scholarly, journalistic, and activist—about WikiLeaks, Assange, and related topics.

Academic Articles: This section will be of most interest to scholars who are interested in citing relevant academic literature about WikiLeaks.

News Media: While it would be impossible to collect every news article about WikiLeaks, this section of the bibliography aims to document all major reporting on WikiLeaks by corporate media and mainstream news and magazines publishers and broadcasters.

Films: This section lists all documentary and feature films about Assange and WikiLeaks. Video interviews will be found in the Primary Sources section, and video news reports will be found in the News Media section.

Interested readers should also check out the Researcher Guides, brief annotated bibliographies designed to help readers get started learning about some important feature of WikiLeaks or the philosophy of Julian Assange.

For those who are interested in staying up-to-date on additions to the WikiLeaks Bibliography or news concerning Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, please follow our blog.